
Collapsible Search Filter

2021 July 25th

This is a collapsible filter based on a filter I made while working at Ecomadic. The look is simple/clean and the UX is intuitive and pleasing while offering a lot of options.


Mix Meld Volume Fader

2021 June 1st

This is my volume fader for an application I made called Mix Meld 🎶 I put a lot of love into the UI/UX of this component. Click and drag to see what I mean :)


CSS Gradient Selector

2021 May 23rd

This is a fun React component I created for making color gradients. Click on any color below, then click a second color. Keep clicking! This is also a fun tool for learning all of CSS's built in color names.


Like Button

2021 May 21st

This is a basic like button I made for playing with code :) Try changing "likes + 1" to "likes + 3". Then click on the heart. Have fun with inline styles if your feeling it.


Get Current User

2021 May 20th

This is one way I log in a user in React JS. & how I get that user.


Military time conversion functions

2021 May 1st

These are JavaScript functions I made for converting military-time to minutes, and vice versa.